Get my boring CV EUROPASS (Italiano) (+39) 351.52.69.169
IT17B0200801113000004412883 UNCRITM1AB3
I am able to manage a project from the customer's initial idea up to the production:
I have collaborated with dozens of companies including GFI Benelux, GLS Italy, BNL, Agenas in the logistics, hospital and commercial sectors.
I was able to establish relationships of trust that allowed me to maintain lasting collaborations over time.
I have achieved thousands of hours of frontal teaching on programming, databases, spreadsheets and more for companies such as Adecco, DXC/CSC Italia, ASSOCAM Scuola Camerana.
I started studying programming on my own during my first year of university in Psychology (1995).
At twelve (1988) I was having fun with the Basic for Commodore 64.
Excellent knowledge of Python Javascript Sql HTML CSS Blockchain AWS
Excellent skills in Analysis Design pattern Problem Solving
Experiences with Machine learning Java Android Google Play BOTs WebServer Serverless Ethereum Smart Contract Solidity Web3 NFTs IPFS Metamask MongoDB NodeJS AngularJS PHP Moodle Raspberry PI NFC QR Code Live Streaming Bootstrap Geo Data Cryptography Network protocols Sockets Functional Programming Object-oriented Programming Asynchronous programming UI usability UI accessibility Asp 3.0 Basic
Selection of the most interesting works developed chosen both for my professional growth and for the variety of technologies used.